Robert Darch's photographs were key to conveying the atmosphere and describing the proceedings of the Halstow Wassail in 2020. At the 2022 wassail, Robert continued this vital work, producing a series of photographs during the live event, and during its preparation on the day. §

Ben and guests at The Halstow Wassail, 2022.

Ben at the press Ben prepares the bonfires, January 2022
Ben and firesmoke Waiting for guests to arrive
Bill, sings in the cider barn Jim leading the procession to the apple tree
Discussions at the table In the distance, Mariners Away sing from the Front Orchard
Bowl in tree Bill, Jim, and Mariners Away lead the singing
Crowd at the tree Ruth leads the incantation
Bowl in tree Bill, Jim, and Mariners Away lead the singing
Crowd at the tree Ruth leads the incantation
Bowl in tree Jim and Mariners Away gather everyone outside the poundhouse
Crowd at the tree The Guns, 2022
Bowl in tree Jim Causley with accordion
Crowd at the tree Cider and song at the Halsow Wassail